CKForms is a GAP4 package.

REMARK: this package is written for GAP 4.10 (and higher versions); the package SLA & CoReLG is required.


To install the package CKForms move the file CKForms-XX.tar.gz (or any other archive containing it) into the pkg directory. Usually this will be the pkg subdirectory in your GAP4 installation. However, it is also possible to have a pkg subdirectory in a different place, see the section ‘Installing GAP Packages’ of the GAP4 reference manual for more information. Then simply unpack CKForms-XX.tar.gz and your installation is complete. Now start GAP and type

gap> LoadPackage("CKForms");

to load the package. You will see the package banner.

For details on how to use the CKForms package see the package documentation in the doc subdirectory (view its HTML version).